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Insurance Sector News - February 2023
We are happy to share with you a new edition of our Insurance Sector News!
In our Insurance Sector News we are aiming to provide you with the latest changes on the Insurance market as well as the insights on innovations. Our goal is to keep you up to date about the fast changing Insurance business. Take a cup of coffee (or tea) and enjoy the reading!

- Insurers’ news
- Main Trends on the Insurance market
- Consulting firms' news
- Insurtech

Insurers’ news
- AG Insurance trekt gewaarborgde rente op fiscaal sparen gevoelig op
- New AXA share buyback commences
- Résultat opérationnel de 345 millions pour Allianz au Benelux : "Une performance dont nous sommes fiers"
- Dutch insurer NN beats solvency estimates, upbeat on insurance sales
- Ageas' net income jumps 20% to $1 billion
- MS Amlin Insurance Selects Sapiens for Transformation of its Commercial Lines Operations across Multiple Countries

Main trends on the Insurance market
- Cyber Insurance: Fitting the Needs of Operators of Essential Services?
- Can people afford to pay for health care? New evidence on financial protection in Belgium
- State aid: Commission approves €1.5 billion French scheme to support protection against the insolvency of travel organisers
- In EU car data tussle, insurers and others brace for delays, disappointment
- The old normal: interest rate rises signal relief for insurers' returns, but likely more volatility
- Uitbetaling 2e pijler: helft van de Vlamingen zou kiezen voor mix van kapitaal en lijfrente

Consulting firms' news
- Netherlands – pauwels consulting acquires belgium-based firm 4people
- Deloitte adds 27pilots to start-up and corporate venturing capabilities
- Delaware launches new 4 offices in 4 different continents
- Yves Leterme joins International Advisory Board of Silk Road Partners
- Big Four: 1,549 milliard de chiffre d’affaires

- Is it finally European insurtech’s moment in the sun?
- Solera to Showcase Accelerated Auto Claims Tech at Insurtech Insights 2023
- Embedded InsurTech Qover teams up with Qonto to streamline insurance
- Generali : searches for the most innovative insurtech start-ups
- Insurtech can bring insurance protection to the poor and vulnerable
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