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Insurance Sector News - July
We are happy to share with you a new edition of our Insurance Sector News!
In our Insurance Sector News we are aiming to provide you with the latest changes on the Insurance market as well as the insights on innovations. Our goal is to keep you up to date about the fast changing Insurance business. Take a cup of coffee (or tea) and enjoy the reading!
- Insurers’ news
- Consulting firms' news
- Main Trends on the Insurance market
- Insurtech
Insurer's news
- AG Insurance geeft klanten een coronabon van 20 euro
- Verzekeraar Integrale rekent op nieuwe eigenaar voor broodnodig kapitaal
- Werkzekerheid bij KBC tot eind 2021
- Dividendes à nouveau permis chez les assureurs néerlandais
Consulting firms' news
- Emerge stronger: Recession recovery for insurers
- Consumer Insurance AI Experience Analytics
- Cyber resilience: Can insurers outpace risk?
- Ensuring excellence with agile operations
Main trends on the insurance market
- Nationale Bank verbiedt dividenden bij banken en verzekeraars
- Haal ook in crisistijd het maximum uit uw aanvullend pensioen
- Votre épargne est-elle en sécurité dans une branche 21?
- Mobly (Baloise) reprend le site de petites annonces
- L'assurance aura besoin du public pour couvrir les risques
About sector news
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