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Insurance Sector News - February
We are happy to share with you a new edition of our Insurance Sector News!
In our Insurance Sector News we are aiming to provide you with the latest changes on the Insurance market as well as the insights on innovations. Our goal is to keep you up to date about the fast changing Insurance business. Take a cup of coffee (or tea) and enjoy the reading!

- Insurers’ news
- Consulting firms' news
- Main Trends on the Insurance market
- Insurtech

Insurer's news
- Nationale Bank neemt verzekeraar van Nethys in vizier
- Ex-topman Allianz België begeleidt digitale transformatie Ethias
- Verzekeraar van de kerk afgeperst door cybercriminelen
- Uitschuiver kost AG Insurance 75.000 euro
- Integrale résilie la convention de départ conclue avec son CEO

Consulting firms' news
- Illuminate dark data to unleash automation
- Blockchain solutions for insurance
- Insurance Banana Skins Belgium
- Direct insurance was set to disrupt the industry: What went wrong?

Main trends on the insurance market
- ‘We moeten mensen leren te veranderen'
- Moet u bezorgd zijn over uw groepsverzekering?
- Victime de Ciara? Activez votre assurance au plus vite

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