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Insurance Sector News - August
We are happy to share with you a new edition of our Insurance Sector News!
In our Insurance Sector News we are aiming to provide you with the latest changes on the Insurance market as well as the insights on innovations. Our goal is to keep you up to date about the fast changing Insurance business. Take a cup of coffee (or tea) and enjoy the reading!

- Insurers’ news
- Consulting firms' news
- Main Trends on the Insurance market
- Insurtech

Insurer's news
- Federale Verzekering gaat jachten, kunst en oldtimers verzekeren
- Vijfde Belgische overname voor verzekeraar uit Bermuda
- Hans De Cuyper nieuwe topman van Ageas
- Gert De Winter (La Baloise): "Aujourd'hui, on a dépassé '1984' de George Orwell"

Consulting firms' news
- Three myths that challenge commercial underwriting success
- How insurers can understand, plan and prepare for the IBOR phase-out
- How will a data cloud strategy enable the Insurers of the future?
- An FAQ for European Insurers in the Downturn

Main trends on the insurance market
- Belgen op twee na grootste aandeelhouder effectenreus Euroclear
- Tesla creates insurance broking firm in China
- Three ways a data consortium helps insurers fill the data gap
- How Insurers Can Save by Spending on Experience

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