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Insurance Sector News - April 2022
We are happy to share with you a new edition of our Insurance Sector News!
In our Insurance Sector News we are aiming to provide you with the latest changes on the Insurance market as well as the insights on innovations. Our goal is to keep you up to date about the fast changing Insurance business. Take a cup of coffee (or tea) and enjoy the reading!

- Insurers’ news
- Consulting firms' news
- Main Trends on the Insurance market
- Insurtech

Insurers’ news
- AXA Belgium : une analyse des accidents du travail lors d'une activité de teambuilding
- Allianz lance de nouveaux prets hypothecaires en Belgique, les Allianz MeHomeLoans, finances par MeDirect
- L'assureur vie NN prolonge son partenariat avec Record CreditsL'assureur vie NN prolonge son partenariat avec Record Credits
- Athora sees profits down in financial results
- Insurer Allianz toughens oil & gas policy to help meet climate goal
- Frédéric Van der Schueren is nieuwe topman van Belfius Insurance

Main trends on the Insurance market
- PayPal, Aon Bring Real-Time Digital Insurance Access to SMBs
- Mental health: Insurance companies reimburse less than with physical injury
- Financial confidence in Belgium at lowest level in two years, survey finds
- Britain proposes post-Brexit easing of insurer capital rules
- Data-driven insurance companies will be frontrunners of their industry

Consulting firms' news
- Accenture acquires 270-strong sustainability consultancy Greenfish
- Swiss Consulting Firm Accepts Shiba Inu As Just A Way Of Paying
- Blue Soft Group s'installe en Belgique
- Consultinggroep Intys komt in Franse handen
- Coronavirus en Belgique : plus de 10 millions dépensés dans les cabinets de consultance pour gérer la crise sanitaire

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